女拔學生一樣不懂的DSE Biology分髙下關鍵題(三)

我們繼續討論how to study movement in humans. 上次分析了最常考又最多學生混淆的Movement at elbow joint and movement of the leg at hip joint, 這類題目最常出現在MC, 今次先同大家講一條long question在這個chapter相對常出, 又勁多學生失分的題型,: 


DSE 2013 1B Question 2


The diagram below shows the structure of a joint

  1. a. Name the type of joint and suggest an example of such a joint in the body (2).
  2. b. Briefly describe how A and B work together to bring about movement at the joint shown (4).


a part 學生們一般都沒有問題, 都能解答出是hinge joint (type)knee/elbow joint (examples). 然而b part卻從CEEDSE都考起很多學生! 以我多年作為Biology Tutor, 補習DSE Biology的經驗, 學生不懂這一條有兩大個原因: 第一是不斷背誦內容卻沒有好好細看圖片! 要知道但凡考structure and function, 不能只集中在記function, 卻沒有一邊記圖像, 到考圖時才發現分不清記了的structure其實是哪部分! 而且圖像記憶法事半功倍, 是一個我常用來幫助學生增強記憶的好方法! 所以我的筆記都嚴選採用清晰的圖片. 



第二個原因, 就是欠缺一些相近structure的compare and contrast, 這些是我製作notes一定不能忽略的, 因為這些題目可以考核學生是否能對所學的深入理解及充分掌握, 而且也是常考題型! 大家可以看看怎麼用table去做compare and contras, 注意structure要對上圖片啊:


  1. Types of movable joints




Degree of movement

Hinge joints

Elbow, knee and finger

In one plane only

Ball-and-socket joints

Shoulder and hip

In all planes

2. Structures and functions of a movable joint





The bones are held together and completely enclosed by a capsule of ligament to prevent dislocation of joints


Absorbs shocks and reduce friction between bones to protect the bones from wearing away during movement

Synovial membrane

Secretes and encloses synovial fluid

Synovial fluid 

Act as a lubricant to reduce friction in the joint 

Nourish the cartilage cells

3.Compare between tendons and ligament




Tough to prevent tearing 

Tough to prevent tearing

Attach muscles to bones

Connect bones together at joints



看完了, 現在再把題目做一做:


The diagram below shows the structure of a joint

  1. Name the type of joint and suggest an example of such a joint in the body (2).
  2. Briefly describe how A and B work together to bring about movement at the joint shown (4).


就可以立即由Table One and Table Two得出答案!Part a是希望你能分辨hinge joint ball-and-socket joint, 並可以舉例, Part b是需要你能認出及比較tendon and ligament.


再看看2007 AL 1A Question 5, 也是一條common in AL的題目, 而程度適用於DSE


只要用到Table 2的資料, 又可以輕鬆取Full mark!



是不是很想得到這些清晰簡潔又到pointnotes及學習技巧? 我是生物補習專科老師, 感到莘莘學子學習的不容易, 除了清晰的教學方法, 還會想儘辦法幫學生省時省力, 爭取最好成績! 除了DSE Biology, 也教 IB Biology, GCE Biology, IGCSE Biology, 各自筆記齊全, 是你的 Best Biology Tutor, IB Tutor and more ! 歡迎查詢 !

Miss Wong

Miss Wong
